What are your views of God?


What are your views of God? 

All powerful? All knowing? Always present? Distant? Loving? Divisive? Demanding? Compassionate? Vengeful? Retributive? Restorative? Others? I would truly like to know your view(s) of God. I would like to have a conversation about the implications God and faith has on our lives (positive and negative). Not that I have all the answers, I don’t. I simply want us to have a conversation; intending to help us in our lives.

Bible quotes NOT in the Bible

Phrases, Quotes, attributed to being the Bible which aren’t there!

Have you heard the phrase, “If God brought you to it, God will bring you through it!” Many people believe that phrase is in the Bible. Sorry, it isn’t. At first blush, it sounds like a good phrase; God helping us through, whatever, “it” is (usually something difficult or “bad”). That could be true. However, from our ELCA Lutheran beliefs, it could not be farther from the truth. We believe God is NOT the direct cause of any “bad” thing. We believe God is a God of Love, for all. The “bad” things which happen in our lives are caused by our free will to make the choices we make. We believe in a God, who in spite of our “bad” choices, continues to come to us, to bring us through them, with forgiveness and love. We believe that is clearly seen throughout scripture; yes, Old and New Testaments. Our belief is best seen on the Cross of Jesus Christ who forgave the world, for our really “bad” choice to kill God’s Son, and, God brought us through “it” by God’s amazing grace and love for us, for all people. I welcome your comments……

#Lutheran #allmeansall # ELCA #stjohnsnashville

The Importance of Advent

Advent: the time of the Church Year when we remember the birth of God in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Advent is the time when we remember Jesus’ birth, in that manger, a feeding trough, who came to “feed” the world with God’s love; which Jesus did throughout His life, especially on His Cross. Advent is also about expectantly looking forward to Jesus coming again as King of kings and Lord of lords, when He will bring the fullness of God’s love to the world, for all people; and, all means all! In the meantime, as disciples of Jesus, The Christ, called, equipped, and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit, what can we do to live, share, and “feed” the world with God’s love. How can we partner with God to change our world - to be a world filled with more love? I welcome your thoughts on how we can do that……

#advent #stjohnsnashville #allmeansall #ELCA