TRUST! Letting Go and Letting God!

 Letting Go and Letting God! Trusting in God’s ever-present Love!

 I believe, one of the most difficult issues in our lives, is, to have “trust” in others and in God!  Having trust in people, and having people trust us, is very difficult to earn and maintain. Trust is also very easily broken, right? Why do we fail to trust others and have others lose their trust in us? I believe, because our lives, our world, are so self-centered, often to the exclusion and destruction of the other. To help us trust each other, I believe we are to learn to put our complete trust in God. Here is a link to my sermon on “trust” given on March 6, 2020:

As we learn that we are created in God’s image of Love, and, God is a God of Love, For All, shown and given to the world by Jesus’ complete “trust” in God for His life, death, resurrection, and ascension; may we “Let Go and Let God”, help us to trust in God’s love for all. As we strive to do that, maybe, just maybe, we will be able to trust each other more. Then, maybe, well, no maybe about it, we might just have a world filled with more peace and hope.  I welcome your comments and thoughts; especially on "how" we can "trust" God and others.  #stjohnsnashville    #ELCA  #Lutheran    #allmeansall

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